Our Kindred Mini Sessions

Dainty, affordable brand shoots for deep and emotive brand imagery. Let’s let you be part of your own brand.


The Date & Location

The 1st of October 2023, Mankinholes | Todmorden | Yorkshire

Introducing Our Kindred’s First Branding Mini-Shoots - for anyone wanting some new branding images & headshots. Brands who work as a couple are more than welcome. A leisurely exploration of the picturesque surroundings, dainty country lanes and magnificent moorland.

I'm absolutely delighted to share the exciting details of my inaugural mini-branding shoots! These sessions are tailored for fellow creatives, artisans, photographers—essentially anyone seeking distinctive branding imagery.

Picture this: a scenic adventure lasting just 20 minutes. Upon confirmation, you'll receive a pin with convenient parking locations. From there, we'll rendezvous for a brief, picturesque stroll down a charming country lane. Our destination? The enchanting moorland, is a perfect backdrop for creating captivating and truly unique photographs. Rest assured, your comfort and experience are paramount. You'll receive gentle guidance and support throughout the session, ensuring you feel right at home and completely at ease in front of my camera. I can't wait to embark on this creative journey with you. Let's capture the magic together!

Shots On Location

Mankinholes | Todmorden

About The Location

Introducing Our Kindred’s First Branding Mini-Shoots - for anyone wanting some new branding images & headshots. A leisurely exploration of the picturesque surroundings, dainty country lanes and magnificent moorland.

As October approaches, nature begins to don its enchanting cloak of early autumn hues, painting the landscape with warm and earthy tones. Nestled within the charming embrace of Mankinholes Todmorden, my upcoming branding mini-shoots promise to capture the very essence of this serene season. Imagine strolling down quiet country lanes, flanked by trees whose leaves are beginning to transform into shades of amber and gold. The gentle crunch of fallen leaves beneath your feet and the soft whispers of the wind create a soothing symphony as you embark on a 20-minute journey, a leisurely exploration of the picturesque surroundings.

Pricing Details & FAQ

Are you showing up enough on your website & socials? I know you’re not. A mini-session at just £120 might just be perfect for you.

Introducing Our Kindred Mini-Sessions. They will take place three times a year in various magical and emotive locations around the North of England and Scotland. The first Mini-Session will have six spots available and you will receive a 20-minute session with 10 curated brand images for use on your website & social media.

  • Anyone with a small business who wants new, visually compelling images of themselves (That truly represent them). I usually work with fellow creatives but the mini-sessions are open to anyone.

  • The first branding Mini-session will take place on the 1st of October 2023.

  • I know as a small business owner myself that investing in a full branding shoot can sometimes seem daunting - this experience allows you to get a small, perfectly formed slice of working with me and gives you beautiful, meaningful images of you for your brand moving forward.

Book Your Spot Below